
Say "Yes!" to Pole Classes!

Pole sport and dance combines strength, grace, and individuality.  A Pole is vertical stainless steel apparatus attached at both the floor and the ceiling.

Pole Level 1 | Tuesdays 7:15pm

Pole 1 is for students with little to no previous experience but also open to folks who want to hone those foundational skills. In this fun class, we start with a warm-up to get the blood flowing, followed by basic moves around the pole, dips, spins, and floorwork. This class is approachable for any level!

Requirements: None

Pole Level 1/2 | Wednesdays 11:30am

Pole Level 1/2 is for students with little to no previous experience but also open to folks who want to hone those foundational skills. We will focus on beginner-level skills, but the teacher is happy to add challenges and progressions for students who have a little more experience!

Requirements: None

Pole Level 2/3 | Thursdays 7:15pm

Get ready to start climbing and practicing inversions. We will add in more combos, begin shoulder mount preps, and add in conditioning to get you that stamina to move into even more exciting moves. We will also add in some low flow moves to practice headstand and handstands.

Requirements: Dip Spin to Pirouette / Knee Hooks / Fireman Spin / One Climb / Pole Sit

Pole Dance™ | Mondays 8:15pm

Pole Dance combine standard pole skills with floor movement. We will teach you choreography to one song per month, in a variety of dance styles and genres ranging from jazz, contemporary, lyrical, or even sultry. You can learn the moves in progressions, adding on to build confidence and your own flair! So jump in any time!

Requirements: 3 or more pole classes for terminology.

Spinny Pole | Mondays 7:15pm

Spin Pole puts some twirl in your life! We will work on control, speed, and and moving through different shapes from grounded positions or in the air. This class is geared for our novice to intermediate pole students who have are comfortable with a climb, and combos can be adjusted for each student's level.  

Requirements: None

Pole Conditioning | Thursdays 6:15pm

Pole Conditioning focuses on exercises that build strength, flexibility, or muscle activation awareness to get you to those pole goals. 

Requirements: None

Aerial Pole | Workshops Only Currently

Want to release your inner child? Aerial Pole is definitely a smile-maker. This pole is rigged to an aerial point but not to the floor, so it is a new adventure in physics. During class, we will start with fundamentals and add to them based on students experience level. Note, these poles are silicone-wrapped versus stainless steel or brass, so you can wear attire that covers your skin. 

Requirements: A basic climb is strongly recommended.


For regular Pole classes, we recommend yoga or 'booty' shorts and a tank, crop, or sports bra. This is because you'll need back of knee, arm, and additional skin grip on the metal.  We also recommend having knee pads and socks on hand depending on the curriculum.

For Aerial Pole classes, the above attire is also great. Or because these poles are actually silicone-wrapped, leggings and shirts are also fine as the skin contact grip is not required on this apparatus.